



Client Documents



Professional Profile

They don’t show any preferences when it comes to English, only focused on their curriculum.

Areli Abigail Contreras Hernández
José de Jesús Rojas Sánchez
Néstor Alberto García Martínez

Academic Profile

Areli Abigail Contreras Hernández – Areli has a solid vocabulary base as well as basic tenses, she would benefit from practicing more pronunciation to improve that aspect as well as developing the basic tenses and more natural speech. She is very knowledgeable about her work vocabulary but her overall precision with pronunciation and fluency could improve a lot more.

José de Jesús Rojas SánchezHas a good and intermediate level. His speaking is very good and fluent, he makes mistakes mainly regarding tenses. Like using past instead of present. He has taken English courses in the past so has some experience. Also practices writing and reading almost everyday with emails at work. His main goals would be professional to be able to communicate better with his clients. He would like to review topics like tenses, conjuctions and phrasal verbs.

Néstor Alberto García Martínez – Nestor is an intermediate learner with excellent listening skills, he has a good range of vocabulary and he is able to talk about different aspects of work and life, he would benefit of learning and understandign more accurate vocabulary, and reviewing basic gramamr use for the use of prepositions such as: a, the. He needs to practice a wider range of tenses in order to portray his ideas more accuratlely like past simple, simple future and the hypothetical tense.

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