



Client Documents



Professional Profile

They don’t show any preferences when it comes to English, only focused on their curriculum.

Eduardo Carrizales: Specialist in environment and health

Edgar Buentello: Engineer and accounting area

Juan Zuñiga: Production supervisor

Edgar Lopez: Finance Analist

Jose Fernando Gonzalez: Logistics specialist

Jesús Alejandro Guerra:Quality engineer

Jessica Barrón:Supporting buyer


Academic Profile

Eduardo Carrizales: He is experienced with the langauge and has clear ideas, he is missing some vocabulary and to reinforce different grammar strucures. He is usually late.

Edgar Buentello: He has a very good vocabulary and pronunciation skills for a beginner. He understood all the questions but wasn’t able to answer one of them because he just couldn’t find the words. Overall he has the fundation when it comes to speaking and that’s the main focus for him.

Juan Zuñiga: He needs to speak with visitors preriodically He has a solid base but need to develop further the use of the tenses and to acquire more vocabulary.

Edgar Lopez: Has previous knowledge He was able to express complex ideas but couldn’t use different tenses properly, he has experience with the language.

Jose Fernando Gonzalez: Low Intermediate Good ability to have a conversation. May require more vocabulary. Great confidence. Fernando’s strongest skill is his speaking and grammar.

Jesus Alejandro Guerra: Is very good at speaking and grammar. Odd pronunciation from time to time.

Jessica Barron: Her fluency is good, uses a nice vocabulary range, and the pronunciation is clear. There are some sounds like TH or final s/ed that may obscure meaning. Her ability to talk about familiar things is good, but she mixes up past and present tenses for routines, also we recommend working on prepositions and strengthening her grammar and vocabulary knowledge.

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