


Company: Black Trust

Client Documents


English Private

Professional Profile

Marco Antonio Benitez Olivas (A2)
José de Jesús Conde Nicho (-B1)
Ailem Debora Luna Velázquez(A2+)
Miguel Angel Morales Gonzalez (A2+)
Rogelio Castro Gonzalez (-B1)
Silvestre García (-B1)

Academic Profile

Benitez Olivas Marco Antonio – A2 – He has a little experience taking lessons in school and outside of school but he feels he hasn’t seen any relevant topics. He needs to work on accuracy, coherence and pronunciation. He can express his ideas but lacks structures which makes it difficult to understand.

Castro Gonzalez Rogelio – A2/A2+ – He is able to express basic ideas and connect them, but he lacks consistency in terms of vocabulary and pronunciation

Conde Nicho José de Jesús – -A2/A2 – Understands instructions and questions very well. Makes a lot of fossilized mistakes like changing tenses or pronunciation. Also has some issues using connectors. Apart from that has good vocabulary and understands some grammar structures.

García Silvestre – A2/A2+ – He joined English lessons but again didn’t like the topics and dropped out. Now he uses AI apps and other resources to practice. He has good fluency but needs to organize his ideas better and work on coherence.

Luna Velázquez Ailem Debora – A2+ – She’s been in bilingual schools since she was in kindergarden, she’s always been around English but still struggles to speak. She studies in Ibero . She’d like to work on vocab acquisition, she needs to practice accuracy and coherence.

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